Thomas is the name, Facebook is his game! Thomas is one of the sales representatives at Imperial Coin Exchange and he is the king of selling on Facebook. Between his funny yet brilliantly witty coin posts to his swiftness in finding the right coins for his clientele.
Work Questions
1. Who are you and what do you do at the office?
I was hired on as a sales rep and over time, I found my niche on Facebook. I spend most of my work day negotiating coin deals via Facebook messenger and perusing coin groups.
2. What is your favorite coin?
3 dollar gold! I love the princess design and the wreaths on the reverse. I’m an artist by hobby, not a history buff, so the stories behind the coins are not as attractive to me as their designs.
3. How long have you worked here?
I don’t keep track but I feel like I’m pushing five years at this point. Might be more because time flies when you love what you do!
4. What do you love most about working with coins?
I love the hustle and the freedom it allows. I’ve been in sales my entire working career and coins are something you can deal in at any time in your life. You can do it in whatever capacity you desire. You don’t even need an office or a company to enjoy the wheel and deal of numismatics.
5. What’s one piece of advice you would give someone who wants to enter the industry?
Read! There was a time when numismatic knowledge was acquired through years of experience, handling coins, and learning through trial and error. However, in today’s day and age, everything you need to know to profit in the industry is available through books, websites, and applications. You never stop learning in this industry unless you want to.
Fun Questions
1. Are you currently binge-watching any TV shows?
One of my mentors used to refer to the television as the Idiot Box. He is a very successful person, so ever since he said that, I stopped watching TV regularly. I did fall victim not too long ago to a show called Black Mirror. I confess I binge-watched it to the point I was falling asleep at work the next day. It won’t happen again.
2. What’s a fun fact that most people don’t know about you?
I was 28 years old when I realized there were coins outside of dimes, nickels, and pennies. The Numismatic world is still new to me
3. What is your favorite hobby?
Outside of the gym, I program automated trading algorithms. People usually have strategies they employ for trading securities like stocks, futures, and options. I take those ideas and I program them into robots that buy and sell for them based on their ideas, so they don’t have to do it manually.
4. If you could have a drink with one celebrity, who would it be?
I’m going with Dave Chappelle in a heartbeat. I’ve watched several of his interviews and he’s probably the most intelligently funny person I know. Dave will take you from a dirty joke, to politics, and then spirituality without skipping a beat.